#264 Relationship Alchemy W/Marie Elizabeth Mali

This week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast I speak with Relationship Transformation Expert and founder of Relationship Alchemy™, two-time TEDx Speaker, and host of the Relationship Alchemy podcast, Marie-Elizabeth Mali.  Marie-Elizabeth was introduced to me by a Wise Money client who just knew we would hit it off. She was right! From the first time […]

#263 Unlocking Your Human Potential with Human Design W/Miranda Mitchell

This week on the Wealthy Wellthy podcast, I chat with Energetic Alignment Coach & Human Design Specialist Miranda Mitchell.  I met Miranda through a booking service. As you can imagine, booking services tend to send a lot of guest recommendations, and they’re not always a good fit. But when I saw Miranda’s interests and expertise, […]

#262 Skills for a Relational Life w/Kristy and Jerry

This week on the WW podcast I interviewed Jerry Sanders and Kristy Gainsford.   Jerry and Kristy Gainsford are both Licensed couples therapists who specialize in a distinct and effective form of couples therapy called Relational Life Therapy.      Relational Life Therapy, or RLT as it is referred to, is a form of couples counseling […]

#260 Get Your Health Right w/Wendie Pett

This week on the Wealthy Wellthy podcast, I interview Wendie Pett.  Wendie was introduced to me by my good friend Mike Koenigs. Everyone who Mike introduces me to is amazing, and Wendie definitely fits the bill!  Wendie and I discuss a topic that is very important to me: wellness. Wendie is a health-industry expert with […]