#206 Your Body is a Bank, What Are You Putting Into It?

This week, I talk with Nutritionist, Kate Turner. Kate dives deep on just how we can take more control of our health and wellness. Ready to dive in with us? Good! I know this comes as no surprise, yet, we still have not mastered the number one ingredient to good health:  FOOD!  So, let’s talk […]

4 Things We Got Wrong About Heart Health

You need a healthy heart to feel great and have the energy to kick ass in business. Yet today, our own hearts have become killers. There are about 1.5 million heart attacks, 500,000 open heart surgeries, and 650,000 heart related deaths in the US each year. Why are the number of heart attacks so high? […]

4 Truths About Food (That Can Make You Rich)

I can guess what you’re thinking. “Why is Krisstina writing (again) on health?! Isn’t she the Falling for Money girl?” I am totally about money. It funds everything I care about. Including helping and inspiring you. But my biggest lesson about life was nearly losing it. That 2×4 to the head taught me something. Without […]

10 Miracles for Optimum Wellth

Do you ever wonder why you feel so tired? When you’re doing your darndest to eat right, exercise, follow the doctor’s orders? It’s not your fault. Despite our “focus on health” as a nation, something is terribly wrong. I’ve been on a journey to discover exactly why I got sick, when I was so “healthy” […]