#268 Permission to Inspire W/Rachel Luna
This week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, I interview renowned life coach, best-selling author, and internationally acclaimed motivational speaker Rachel Luna. In this episode, Rachel shares her compelling story of tragedy and triumph. Having endured the loss of her parents as a child, then becoming estranged from her siblings, and suffering from anorexia, depression, and […]
#267 Unblinded Mastery W/Sean Callagy
This week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast I speak with special guest and inspiration Sean Callagy. An entrepreneur from early on, Sean Callagy started his first law firm only two years out of law school, and he now has four firms employing 100+ attorneys across the country. A renowned lawyer himself, Sean’s law firms have […]
#266 From Ballet Slippers to Big Bank Accounts W/Emily Rose
This week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, I interviewed Emily Rose! If you haven’t heard of her yet, you will in the coming years! In addition to holding a psychology degree from Harvard University, coaching visionary executive entrepreneurs, and writing for Thrive Global, Emily is the new Wealthy Wellthy Money Mindset Coach! Having known Emily […]
#265 You Absolutely Can Have It All! W/Amber Trueblood
This week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, I interview best-selling author, speaker, and coach Amber Trueblood! We met 4 years ago at a women’s Mastermind event (More details-when, where, topic, etc.). As is often the case at Mastermind events, Amber and I shared a lot of interests, and we became instant friends. In this very […]