3 Millionaire Tips Any Entrepreneur Can Adopt Immediately
A couple of months back, I sat down with a man named Geoff Woods for coffee. I was introduced to Geoff through a long time peer, Jay Papasan (who is featured on Podcast #39). I knew very little about Geoff before meeting him. But needless to say, I was beyond impressed. Geoff is the real […]
What the Hell Is Autoimmune Disease?
You know my story. I learned the hard way that our mainstream understanding of “disease” is flawed. Western practitioners treat the body as individual compartments or separate systems. If you’re having heart problems, you see a cardiologist. If you’re experiencing skin issues, you see a dermatologist. If you have digestive issues, you go where? To […]
3 Facts Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You
No matter how you cut it, teeth are expensive. And there’s truth to that phrase: “million-dollar smile.” Healthy, beautiful teeth truly do enable you to earn more money. But when it comes to our teeth, most of us are misinformed. Like conventional doctors, most dentists today are working under outdated scientific principles, practices, and philosophies. […]
4 Things We Got Wrong About Heart Health
You need a healthy heart to feel great and have the energy to kick ass in business. Yet today, our own hearts have become killers. There are about 1.5 million heart attacks, 500,000 open heart surgeries, and 650,000 heart related deaths in the US each year. Why are the number of heart attacks so high? […]