#257 Pay for Your Wellness or You Will Pay for Your Sickness w/Dr. Elena V.

This week on the WW Podcast I spoke with my  friend, Dr. Elena Villanueva, also known as Dr. V.  Dr. V is an international speaker, health influencer, the producer and host of several ground-breaking health-based educational series, the co-author of The Longevity Code, and has been featured on FOX news, MSN, Healthline, Houston Chronicle, & […]

#256 Sleep is a Skill w/Mollie McGlocklin

This week on the WW Podcast I spoke with Mollie McGlocklin. Mollie is the creator of Sleep Is A Skill, and the host of The Sleep Is A Skill Podcast. Sleep Is A Skill is a company that optimizes people’s sleep through a unique blend of technology, accountability, and behavioral change. After navigating insomnia while […]

#255 Using NLP to Transform Your Life w/Brandon & Deb Yager

This week on the WW Podcast I spoke with Brandon and Deb Yager.  These two are massive healers and leaders in their industry who also happen to be very close friends of mine!  Deb is a Master Trainer of NLP and Co-Founder of Yager Training. She overcame adversity to transform her life and now helps […]

#254 The Divine Kings & Queens of the World w/Svetlana Newsome

My guest for this week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast is Svetlana Newsome.  Svetlana Newsome’s mission is to guide people into a full freedom of their purpose so that they can shine bright and impact many. She is an  energy healer and a spiritual teacher that makes miracles real. Through her courses and retreats around […]