What People Want to Hear Vs. What They Need to Hear

As a life coach, I am passionate about what I teach. Because after years of experiencing ups and downs in wealth and health, I now understand that the two are not mutually exclusive. You cannot enjoy wealth if you do not have your health, and you cannot be healthy if you don’t have the money […]

5 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Money

You know what an unhealthy relationship looks like: jealousy, cheating, dishonesty…there are plenty of warning signs. You probably think I’m talking about an unhealthy romantic relationship with a person – nope. I’m talking about the toxic relationship you have with your money. During the summer, when there are so many temptations urging you to cheat […]

Could Your Psychology be Keeping You from Wealth?

The psychology of money is like the psychology of anything: when it’s dysfunctional it’s not productive. If we have a fear of spiders, or a fear of abandonment, and we do not address it, it impacts our lives in negative ways. The same goes for money. If we have issues that go unaddressed, they can reap […]

7 Money Questions That Will Change Your Life

Many people dream of financial empowerment but few have the tools to get there. As it turns out, building a good life is not as much about making more as it is about planning, and leveraging what you’ve got. My passion is to provide you the know-how to get from where you are now to […]