3 Ways to Tap Into Your Partner-Power
In power-full marriages, 1+1 = 100. The exponential growth you can experience personally, professionally, spiritually, financially is mind-blowing. It’s the power of compounding. It doesn’t matter who makes more. Doesn’t matter whose money it is. It doesn’t matter what roles each person plays in the marriage. When you’re true partners, all of your energies and […]
5 Life-Changing Practices for Love & Money
I LOVE practices. They make life easy. Like my practice of ALWAYS leaving the car keys on the shelf by the front door. I NEVER waste time looking for car keys. I invent practices in life, just like you’d invent drills to help you develop any skill. Think of the never-ending drills you do over […]
4 Truths About Food (That Can Make You Rich)
I can guess what you’re thinking. “Why is Krisstina writing (again) on health?! Isn’t she the Falling for Money girl?” I am totally about money. It funds everything I care about. Including helping and inspiring you. But my biggest lesson about life was nearly losing it. That 2×4 to the head taught me something. Without […]
10 Miracles for Optimum Wellth
Do you ever wonder why you feel so tired? When you’re doing your darndest to eat right, exercise, follow the doctor’s orders? It’s not your fault. Despite our “focus on health” as a nation, something is terribly wrong. I’ve been on a journey to discover exactly why I got sick, when I was so “healthy” […]