#210 From Victim to Victor w/Dr. Francisco Contreras

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My guest this week is Dr. Francisco Contreras. He is a cancer specialist renowned for integrating alternative therapies with conventional cancer treatment. For the last 38 years, he has treated tens of thousands of patients who have come from more than 60 countries seeking alternative cancer treatment at his Oasis of \hope Hospital in Mexico. He has spoken around the world and appeared on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox & Friends. He is the author of twelve books including his new release “the Art & Science of Undercoming Cancer”.

He has dedicated his life mission to helping patients in body, mind, and spirit. He and his team have created an environment that is very different from a hospital. My favorite was when he said: “We spend more time, here at the hospital, providing emotional and spiritual resources to our patients than medications.” (Francisco C.; [23:00]) They don’t view their patients as ill patients, or as test results, they treat them as their neighbor, their friend.

I will never offer my patient something that I wouldn’t take myself…Love your neighbor as yourself.” So, again, everything I want to do for patience is to INCREASE longevity with quality of life. They have to go together. It’s of no value to you if you’re living longer but you’re vomiting all the time… it’s of no value. So for us, the most important thing is quality of life.

Dr. Francisco Contreras

Topics Mentioned in Episode:

  1. How to overcome the failures and devastating side effects of chemotherapy.
  2. Is there really Hope for people facing stage IV cancer when chemotherapy has failed.
  3. Is there scientific evidence supporting the use of alternative cancer treatment and what therapies do you use?
  4. How do you treat advanced stage cancer patients differently than other oncologist?
  5. A comprehensive guide to plant-based nutrition therapy for cancer patients.


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“We have been trained as mechanics of the human body, and we take VERY little into consideration the emotional and spiritual needs that a patient has. Especially a patient with a “terminal illness.”  (Dr. Francisco C.; [5:00])

“When something is not working, we have to look for an alternative.” (Dr. Francisco C.; [5:56])

“There’s one study that shows that people with advanced lung-carcinoma, they had this study where half of the people received treatment and the others half of the people received nothing, just placebo, and the ones with the placebo lived longer and better than the ones who received the chemo. (Dr. Francisco C.;[10:17])

Number 1: 

I will never offer my patient something that I wouldn’t take myself.[12:18]

Number 2. 

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” So, again, everything I want to do for patience is to INCREASE longevity with quality of life. They have to go together. It’s of no value to you if you’re living longer but you’re vomiting all the time… it’s of no value. So for us, the most important thing is quality of life.” (Francisco C.; [12:40])

“What you have faith in works better for you than what you are afraid of.” (Dr. Francisco C.; [17:00])

Cancer of the breast…the survival rate in America, stage 4, is about 16-17%. Our survival rate, in patients that have already received chemotherapy is 50%. If a patient comes to us, no chemo, no radiation, our survival rate is 75%- at stage 4.” (Dr. Francisco C.)

(Dr. Francisco C.; [36:45])

“If you drink 2 cups of coffee a day, you reduce the chances of getting Alzheimers by 60%.” (Francisco C.; [49:50]).

“By keeping your health, you are making yourself very wealthy.” (Dr. Francisco C.; [57:25])

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