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Episode Summary
This was an excellent conversation, unfortunately my audio interface had some issues so I’m sorry for the feedback from my mic, however this is a great interview and is full of so many nuggets.
Today on Wealthy Wellthy Wise is Eric Satz. Eric is a former investment banker and he’s an early stage investor with a passion for nurturing startups and raising Capital. Eric is living out his mission of delivering 21st-century investment opportunities to everyone, including non-accredited investors. Eric together with his team at AltoIRA, are making alternative asset investing available to all by giving people the support they need to choose and make their own investments using their IRA savings.
In this episode, Eric and I discuss different types of IRAs, especially the difference between what he calls an alternative IRA and a regular IRA. We talk about the benefits of using IRAs as a retirement vehicle and alternative places to invest including missed opportunities with crowdfunding options and insurance. Eric’s genius is really the IRA, I personally don’t use IRAs but I learned a ton from our conversation. If you’d like to learn more about IRAs be sure to listen!
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What We Covered
- [2:40] Eric tells us a little about himself
- [3:50] We talk about Eric’s previous profession as an investment banker
- [5:29] Eric shares why he left investment banking
- [8:49] Eric explains things to consider when taking venture capital
- [13:56] I ask Eric what are some industry expected items entrepreneurs miss when seeking capital
- [18:03] We discuss the differences between conventional investing and alternative investing
- [26:52] Eric talks about the evolution of the market and how investing is accessible to everyone
- [29:54] The benefits to using an alternate investment platform
- [33:42] Investing in what is valuable to you to truly make an impact
- [35:07] Trust your gut before panicking over investments
- [38:35] We get into discussing the IRA
- [44:07] Eric busts his myth regarding our retirement dollars
- [47:06] Eric gives us some insight into getting started with his platform
- [51:50] The most famous IRA investment of all time
Links Mentioned
Check out Eric’s Alto IRA platform here
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