#253 The Ultimate Life HAC w/Regan Archibald
My guest for this week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast is Regan Archibald. Regan Archibald – a Functional Medicine Practitioner and licensed Acupuncturist – owns East West Health – a regenerative medicine clinic in Salt Lake City. Regan is best known as one of the leading Peptide Specialists in the nation. And, he’s the author […]
#249 The Doctor Who Saved My Life W/Dr. Anna Cabeca
My guest this week on the WW Podcast is my dear friend and incredible doctor, Dr. Anna Cabeca. For starters, she is the doctor who saved my life. Dr. Anna calls herself The Girlfriend Doctor as a Triple-Board Certified OB-GYN. And she really is! She has served 10,000+ women in her private practice — and […]
#247 Planting Money Trees w/Jorge Contreras
My guest this week is Jorge Contreras Jorge is a Real Estate Investor & Airbnb Coach and is passionate about helping people create time, financial and location freedom with Airbnb and Real Estate Investing. He retired at age 29, became a millionaire by 30, and now earns 7 Figures with his Airbnb Business. Jorge’s earlier […]
#246 Steady and Slow in the Market of Success w/Richard Thalheimer
My guest this week on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast is Richard Thalheimer. Richard is the former CEO and original founder of The Sharper Image. He led The Sharper Image to its peak as CEO with annual revenues of $750 million, 200 stores, catalogs, an online store, and 4,000 employees. The company became a public corporation […]