#201– The Horrors of Not Having a Will & Estate Plan w/Steven Goodman

Subscribe Today! By subscribing, you’re guaranteed to get the latest episodes as soon as they are live. Episode Summary In today’s episode, Krisstina interviews Steven Goodman. Steve is an expert in business succession planning and estate planning. His knowledge and first-hand experience is exactly what we all need to better understand the importance of planning […]

The Money-Wise Guide to a Memorable Vacation

This week I am on a girl’s getaway trip to Sedona, Arizona with my business partner, Tamara, and my daughter, Macy. We are using this time to recuperate after a busy June and recharge for the months ahead (we are preparing to launch the second iteration of my Mindful Money course on August 1st!). Because […]

3 Ways to Tap Into Your Partner-Power

In power-full marriages, 1+1 = 100. The exponential growth you can experience personally, professionally, spiritually, financially is mind-blowing. It’s the power of compounding. It doesn’t matter who makes more. Doesn’t matter whose money it is. It doesn’t matter what roles each person plays in the marriage. When you’re true partners, all of your energies and […]

5 Life-Changing Practices for Love & Money

I LOVE practices. They make life easy. Like my practice of ALWAYS leaving the car keys on the shelf by the front door. I NEVER waste time looking for car keys. I invent practices in life, just like you’d invent drills to help you develop any skill. Think of the never-ending drills you do over […]