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Episode Summary
Welcome to the Wealthy Wellthy Life with Krisstina Wise. Peter Sage is a well known international and serial entrepreneur, author, and teacher. He has a very unique way of looking at a problem or situation and turn it into a positive. Through Peter’s unique perspective, he has inspired thousands of people all over the world to reinvent themselves and change their mindset.
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What We Covered
- [03:30] – Find out more about Peter and why he dropped out of highschool at 16.
- [06:25] – Peter says, you don’t need to validate yourself through traditional education and blindly follow a piece of paper.
- [10:00] – Peter has since built 20+ companies. Some were complete successes, some were complete failures.
- [11:20] – What has Peter learned about generating buyer interest?
- [16:45] – What’s the purpose of life?
- [20:30] – Making people feel like they’re the star of their own movie.
- [22:20] – What are the three categories of people?
- [25:15] – What is the curse of the white rabbit?
- [29:00] – Why there’s only one way to break the white rabbit curse.
- [31:55] – Love is far more nutritious than a protein shake.
- [32:30] – As children, we need love more than anything. When we grow up, we still keep those patterns.
- [37:30] – Life is nonlinear.
- [38:05] – What is the primary pattern of life?
- [42:00] – We’re bombarded with consumer messaging everywhere.
- [43:55] – The mind is like a compass because it can only point you in one direction at a time.
- [47:55] – The brain adapts to what you’re conditioning it to do.
- [48:55] – Are you scared that you’re not enough?
- [50:00] – You need to train your mind to be calm.
- [52:05] – There’s so much out there that you can be grateful for.
- [53:35] – There’s a big difference between writing down what you’re grateful for vs. experiencing gratitude.
- [57:05] – At the end of the day, what really matters to you?
- [01:01:20] – How do you really describe the differences between physical and metaphysical?
- [01:09:35] – When we strip everything away, we’re faced with either love or fear.
- [01:12:25] – What does Peter see as such a mainstream myth that’s holding people back?
[Tweet “You don’t need to validate yourself by education.”]
[Tweet “My attitude and what I do is fundamentally tied together.”]
[Tweet “You cannot catch the rabbit of fulfillment by running on a track of achievements.”]
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Read the Transcription!
You are at the intersection of wealth, health, and happiness. Welcome to the Wealthy Wellthy Life.
Hi, I’m Krisstina Wise, and welcome to the Wealthy Wellthy Life, where I interview thought leaders who teach a counter cultural approach to money, health, and happiness, because great riches don’t matter if you’re sick, and good health doesn’t matter if you’re broke.
Today, I tackle money wealth with Peter Sage. Peter is an internationally known entrepreneur, author, philosopher and teacher. He has personally started over 20 companies across a wide variety of fields including the Worldwide Health Corporation, a company selling nutraceutical products, and the energy fitness group, a fast-growing chain of fitness centers. Peter is author of the number one Amazon best-seller, 5 Keys to Master Your Life, and he has a second book on the way. He’s a renowned speaker who has delivered multiple Ted talks, and shared the stage with the likes of Richard Branson, Bill Clinton and more. He’s an expert in the personal development space and has devoted his life to sharing his experience on a global scale to transform people’s lives, and teach them how to reinvent themselves.
What I love most about Peter is his adventurous spirit. Peter is an accomplished athlete. He’s a noted expert in health and nutrition, a former competition level bodybuilder. He has completed several marathons including the formidable 250 kilometers Sahara ultra marathon, widely recognized as the toughest footrace in the world. He has climbed some of the world’s highest peaks, competed at British championship level indoor rowing, is a trained and decorated marksman, is a qualified open-water diver, an experienced sky diver, and a long-standing member of the world-renowned and infamous dangerous sports club. An amazing man.
In this interview, we talked about Peter’s inspiring story of being a high school dropout who took an alternative path to building great success and financial wealth. This was an amazing interview. I left the conversation with pages and pages of notes. The best takeaway was what he calls the curse of the white rabbit. A powerful metaphor for those seeking success and achievement. Believe me, you won’t want to miss this episode. Enjoy.
Peter, it is so much fun to have you on my podcast. I’ve been watching you for a while, you are one incredible man. In fact, I admire so much what you’re doing, especially so much of your extremism. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. So, I think my listeners are really going to love learning about you, hearing so much of your knowledge and expertise, and the wisdom that you’re about to share. Where I’d love to start — At the introduction, I talked all about your long bio of accomplishments. I think everyone listening is going — they’re thinking, “Holy cow! This man’s amazing.” But what I would love to hear that doesn’t really show up in any bio, is a little bit of your story. I mean, really, what caught my attention in some of your story, is you’re a high school dropout, and at 16, so you’ve come a long distance between there and here. Do you mind sharing with us a little bit, maybe some of the story, the Peter Sage story that not everybody knows?
Yeah absolutely. First off, Krisstina, thank you for the invite. It’s always a pleasure to reach out and hopefully leave a little impression on a new audience, of something that we can contribute in a way that adds value, and that’s really my outcome here. But yes, I don’t really share a lot of my story because I’m not really much about me, again it’s about how do we give people things and tools that they can help their own lives with. But if it helps people understand a little bit more about it, the normalcy of an average guy like me, rather than falling to the track of putting somebody on pedestal which I think we’ve all done it from time to time, whether it’s childhood heroes and ruby stars, because as soon as that happens, the first thing that cuts in is that “Well, it’s okay for them because…” Then the presupposition is, “I’m not good enough to be able to do that,” or “I’m missing some special gift,” or “There’s something wrong with me.”
Let me lay it out for you. Yes, I’ve been very blessed to have quite an extraordinary path and quite an extraordinary story, but no less than anybody else’s story. That started for me when I — as you said, dropped out of school at 16. I did that for a couple of reasons. One is I’m just not that academically gifted. I’m not clever when it comes to academia. The school system itself essentially encourages two things. This was my view when I was 16. It teaches people how to pass tests and work for somebody else, and that’s the general mainstream that it’s been the staple diet of the post-industrial revolution educational system that was designed for one thing predominantly, and that is to train people that came out of a non-industrial time into a compliant workforce that showed upon time because they were told and didn’t mess up the system. So yeah, that’s how school still happen, so that the entire aspect of following that journey really didn’t appeal to me when — I didn’t want to pass tests or work for somebody else.
Now the second reason I dropped out was because I noticed that — or it seem fairly obvious to me, that I saw schools as getting you ready for a job, and if I’m an employer looking to hire somebody in a job, and even if it’s a really good paying job, then essentially what’s going to happen is that if I’m earning $1,000 a week, then the job is obviously worth more than $1,000 a week otherwise I wouldn’t be getting it all. So by the very definition of taking a job, I’m always going to be earning less than what I’m worth, and that didn’t sit well with me. So, comes 16 when I could legally get out of there, I was like a route up the drain pipe. I was going on, was at in the world trying to swing the bat and see what happens.
So yeah, you don’t need to validate yourself by education. Now, if it’s the specialist information you need to master, to go and do things, and that’s great, whether that’s school, whether it’s studying to be an architect or a salsa dancer. Now, if the skills to master, the skills to master, that’s a different conversation, but blindly following a path that essentially says, “I’m not good enough until somebody validates me that I’ve never met, by signing a piece of paper that I’m never really going to rely on, so that I can go out into the world to justify my self-worth. I’m sorry, that ain’t a path I want to walk.” So yeah, I got out of that, and I went off on my way and started my first business at 17, and that was selling toys out of the back of my car in flea markets and things like that. I bought 15 pounds of the toys because I got my last 20 pounds. I worked for my dad for a short while. He own his own junkyard, and kind of own his own job, and that was never really going to be my path.
I remember he gave me 20 pounds — well sorry, I got my last 20 pounds, he used to pay me 40 bucks a week, and that’s a big lesson for listeners by the way. I’m sure some can relate to. Don’t work for your parents because they don’t pay you enough. I think that was part of the encouragement to fly the nest. So I turned around and said, “Dad, I’m leaving at the end of the week,” and he said, “What are you getting into, son?” I turn around, so I don’t actually know but I have a belief which I still have, and that is if you jump into the deep end, you can only swim.
I got my 40 pounds, I gave 10 pounds to my friend that I owed, and 10 pounds to my mom for board and lodging so I got my last 20 pounds. I brought my way into a wholesalers and not knowing what I was doing, bought 15 pounds of the toys, and I drove to a car boot sale, what we call an indoor flea market in the US. Laid out a little blanket on the floor because I couldn’t afford a little place table. I had a little MINI at the time, and this was before MINI’s were cool. I’m 6 foot 3, I don’t fit in a MINI, and I remember putting my stuff on the floor and hoping I would sell it. I sold the entire lot for 30 pounds, I doubled my money. I went back the next week, I bought 25 pounds for the toys, I paid 5 pounds entrance to the flea market, and I sold the lot for 50 pounds, and I go up and up every week by week until I got enough stock to cover market stall and I started doing markets and then Sunday markets, and toy parties and all sorts of things to try and hustle a few bucks.
My tagline was actually — When I was 17 years old, my tagline was “Pete, the toy boy.” I remember, I left my dad in the gym, and by October I’ve made my first thousand. I remember the feeling looking at the bank statement, I’d never seen a bank statement with four figures on it. I remember thinking “Wow.” The important thing here is not that I’ve got a thousand, it’s the fact that I’ve made it, and I earned it, and there’s a big difference there because if you’re earning money, the job security is the ability of your CEO to run his or her company, case closed. That’s why you’re adding value, unless you don’t add value in which in case, you’re out of there anyway. You want to be also in job security, yeah. I think it’s entrepreneurship because at least you’re relying on your own sense of responsibility to go out and build, contribute, and add value.
So for me, not having to earn it, knowing that I could make it, really meant that there’s no way they could take my toolbox away. So I’ve made it once, I can make it again. That was really the whole aspect of how I started and you could probably factor in a little bit of — I guess, addiction to variety. I don’t want to laid like ADD, but yeah, I certainly — since then I’ve built 20 plus companies. Some have been spectacular, success is global, multimillion dollar firms, and others have been global multimillion dollar failures, and everything in between. That journey is really what crafted me to be the entrepreneur I am today, and really look back on some of the lessons that came far more from my failures and my wins. I believe failure is your capital, not something to be ashamed of. That’s really how I come to where I’m at.
Well, I love that story, but I do want to peel back a little bit. Number one, I mean from a young age, you were a little bit of a iconic class. Like I’m going to create my own path, I’m not going to follow path. You had some inner wisdom there at a young age, and you really listen to those messages, that intuition. Maybe some of it was just because, “Hey, I suck at school so I’ve got to try something else.” Whatever it was, but sure you did this which is uncommon to really forge your own path and do something`very different than what everyone else was doing, and what all of the outward validation, you probably weren’t getting validation say, “Yeah, go Peter! Dropout of school. Go do this toy thing. Go sell this from the back of your car, your trunk, your boot,” as you guys would say, and you didn’t listen to that. So that says something different about you at young age.
But there’s also lots of people which show up to those flea markets and they’re not selling out of their inventory. They’re not doubling it every single, they’re showing up maybe week after week and barely getting by. Underneath that, what do you think — what else was there that was different that you were just selling out and then you’d take that and double it, use that until you could get to the place of having your store.
Beautiful question. Yes, I learned some very valuable lessons in those early days. The most important one I think was this: If I showed up to the flea market and I was in an upbeat mood, I was positive, I was feeling happy and I was on top of the world for whatever reason. Then I would happen to sell more. Now if I wasn’t, and I was down, I was desperate to try to make money or I was there to try pitch customers on what my agenda was rather than this, I wouldn’t. The lesson it taught me was this: Very early on, I saw the corollary between the fact that my attitude and how I do is fundamentally tied together, because I was essentially selling the same toys to the same demographic at the same price point, same everything and the variable wasn’t — I just happen to be lucky with good customers that day, no. Every single time I was up that I would do better. Every single time I was down, I wouldn’t, and you’d have to be an idiot, which is close to what I was not to spot the pattern there. I think “Whoa, there’s got to be something to this.” That was really a valuable lesson that I was grateful to learn. It then tied into one of the greatest — as a gift to my life at that point which was at 17 years old, I discovered personal development.
They say, obviously, I’m a student trying to get the teacher pissed, but I remember picking up a — somebody gave me a set of tapes and it was one of the old six-tape cassette, Nightingale common type deals. I don’t know what it was. It was like a recording of a seminar where they were talking about success secrets. I remember sitting on my bed. I live with my parents, I got this little single bed in this room. I’m 6 foot 3, I’ve got to sleep diagonally so I don’t get my feet cold. I remember having one those old little pop-up cassette players and little like foam earphones, and I was listening. I’m like, the realization, Krisstina, was it almost hit me like a two by force. “Whoa, whoa, whoa hang on, timeout. You mean there’s an industry that actually teaches success? Wait a minute. Where is that on my curriculum at school? Where was that on my options? Where were they teaching that in college?” Because that’s what I’ve ultimately wanted. That’s what most people ultimately want. So why can’t I go and learn that directly rather than thinking I’ve got to learn Algebra or the periodic table in order to get a qualification or to get a job, in order to get successful someday. It’s like, guys, it’s your call.
I threw myself into because of that, I was a veracious learner. Every penny I made I bought another tape set. I remember listening to — I started reading Think and Grow Rich from the late great Napoleon Hill. Now, almost anybody that’s made something of themselves, I think has come across that book or certainly personal developments as one of the — that the greatest works of art in that subject matter that was ever written in the 20th century.
I remember thinking, “Wow! This is it. I know with certainty, that I’ll always be okay.” You still got a formula. Your success isn’t luck, you’re successfully exclusive. It wasn’t luck that I do well when I was happy, and people would avoid me when I was down, I mean, hello. So for me, learning that early on, I became a student of human behavior, I became a student of personal development, and I really looked so much. It’s been nearly 30 years in the industry now, and so I’ve seen a lot of different stuff and obviously — When you start off learning to — a music instrument, you start off by learning them and playing other people’s music. But when you start to compose your own, it’s the symphony of all of that learning to — you bring to the world in a unique way to be able to touch other people’s hearts. So that’s what I’m doing now, but that journey was so full of different wisdom and mentors, and alive and dead virtual people I met or didn’t meet, the people that I studied the works off. It was probably, say the biggest gift that I had was giving myself access to personal development at 17 and realizing that it was a far better area of study than traditional school.
Yeah, and I venture to say that you’re still a student of life. You’re still learning, you’re still growing, that’s never going to stop. It’s a discipline that you learned early on and continue, right? Like the learning never ends. It’s not like you figured it all out and done. So many people I think, are seeking the answer, the right piece of advice, the “if I get there, then everything will work out.” It’s like no, it’s a journey. I learned these lessons early on and I’ve kept these lessons the same exact fundamental principles throughout my entire career, and I’m still going. I don’t know where I’ll be at 20 years from now.
People ask me a lot, some of the big questions because they see my stuff on YouTube and they see that I address some of the big philosophical and metaphysical questions of life, and none of us can answer; what’s the purpose of life? People say the purpose of life is to be happy, right? I disagree with that. I don’t think the purpose of life is to be happy, happy is an emotion. As human beings we’re designed to experience a range of emotions. I didn’t want to be happy at my mother’s funeral, but I was fulfilled. Fulfillment runs a lot deeper than happiness. Happiness is a temporary result of one thing and one thing only. And so, if people want to see what happiness, here you go bonus type — think happy thoughts. Case closed. You want to be happy? It’s a by-product or consequence of thinking happy thoughts. It doesn’t happen any other way.
Now if you want to set the game up so that you’ll only give yourself permission to think happy thoughts when the outer world fit your pictures of what you think should be in the bank or the person that you should wake up next door and all that, and that’s your deal. That’s different for everybody. But the purpose of life is not to be happy. I believe the purpose of life is to be authentic. In a society where so many people are driven, we must become inauthentic because they’re conditioned to be addicted to approval, external validation. I mean the entire school system tells you you’re not good enough unless you get X on the test and therefore can get a certificate signed by somebody you’ve never met since you’re small. Give me a break.
To be authentic means to step out of — the first things of course is swimming in GOOP. G-O-O-P, the good opinion of other people. So many people are swimming in GOOP and they’re drowning in this need for huffing to be a chameleon to fit everybody’s pictures of what they think they should look like in order to get the approval, the likes, be approved, validated and all that stuff. It’s a big channel, it’s a big illusion because we’re all starring in the movie of our life. Now, the reason that we’re starring in our life is because we experience life, in fact, the only thing we can experience is the active experiencing when you want to cut it all the way as human being, as human experience that we’re having, that’s what — the only thing we can do is experience, and ultimately experience the act of experiencing. That’s it. Everything else comes after that. So, if you are the star of the movie of your life and you’re experiencing that role, by definition, everybody else that comes into the scenes in your movie are either at best, a supporting cast or co-star, spouse, child, what have you, cohort. Ninety nine percent of them are film extras. Now when we walk around as the star in our movie, we make a big mistake and this is where GOOP jumps all over people. We think that everybody else sees us as the star in our movie. Whereas the reality is, guess what? They’re starring in whose movie? Their own.
Their movie. Right.
Which means that by definition, all you could ever be is either a supporting cast or a film extra in everybody else’s movie. In other words, when people get to tattoo this on the inside of their eyelids, their life changes. And that is this: Most people don’t care enough about you to bother to give an opinion because they’re too busy being worried about what they think you’re thinking of them.
Say that again. That is so good.
Most people don’t care enough about you to bother to give an opinion because they’re too busy being worried about what they think you’re thinking of them. Everybody is wandering around in this movie star bubble, thinking everybody sees them as a star of their movie, and it’s this complete sham, this complete ghost that if everybody’s bubble pop you just be authentic. If you want a key to that, stop focusing on making other people feel like the star of their own movie, and you’ll stop worrying about whether they approve of you or not. Because now you’re not internally focus trying to fill a gap that was never there in the first place. You focus on growing and contributing which is the true rules nature operates by.
So that, and looking through at a lot of your teaching and what you speak to, you talked about the three types of people. What you’re saying reminds me of some of what you speak about is that there’s getting to this place of working through me. I think what you talked about, the three categories of people are to me, what happens “to me,” “by me,” and then “through me”. So what you’re talking about is that we get stuck many times, and you’re almost talking about my whole pattern of my life, is that like the first third of my life was certainly feeling a victim of my circumstances, and left childhood in a lot of trauma and a lot of psychological baggage that really was attached to so much of that, but realize like this isn’t going to work out for me if I don’t take some responsibility in this. I did the move to let’s say, “personal development” realm and certainly read all of the same books, and studied on my own, and Napoleon Hill and read the books.
I really was motivated in some motivational speakers, and I felt this motivation, “No, I can do this.” Then it became this “by me”. I’m sure in mine but I’d like you to take this a little bit deeper, but this is “by me” and then I turned into almost person, it was better than “to me.” But then my life became about the accomplishment, what other people thought. I had to try harder and work harder to get more and to be more, and accomplish more. Then I gotten this belief system and life turned into a struggle, it becomes such hard work and I depleted my body, and so much where I eventually got so sick that it took me out completely. But I was just in this belief thinking I was doing the right thing, but it was such a struggle. Everything was a struggle and I try harder and try harder. I’d accomplish more. I’d accomplish more. I’d accomplish more, but there was no fulfillment. It was just next. “Oh great, I made this, I made it to the top of this metaphorical summit. This is all there is. It must be at the next one or it must be at the next one.”
Until finally, it just took me down and it was actually death, almost, just almost dying where I had my own awakening if you will, where I think I learned my own lesson. The way you articulate things is so eloquent and beautiful and easy to understand. So I love the “through me” of realizing like, “Oh, it shouldn’t be a struggle.” We do need to be in the act of experiencing our own life. Day-to-day, each present moment is where the magic is, but it’s moving into this place where life becomes a lot easier when life is just “through me” and we do get to be our authentic self.
Anyway, when I read — like I said, I study a lot of your material. I’m like “Wow, that’s so true.” So do you mind taking a minute and really talking in a little bit more depth about the three categories of people?
Yeah. The lowest level of consciousness is really the victim mentality. “I’m trying to survive in this world, that world is happening to me. It’s not my fault and therefore I can hide behind my — I’m in denial of my potential because I don’t have the courage to move forward.” There’s a thousand stories that will justify that and there’s a thousand stories you could see that somebody else has the same story of the dozen. But it’s the lowest level of consciousness. It’s a pretty miserable place to live. You’re complaining at life, you’re complaining at why everybody else is doing well but you’re not, it’s all about excuses. Again, first step through that is to give up. You got blamed because nowhere this blame work in any context of life and replace it with personal responsibility.
As soon as you do that, you can start taking charge of being able to carve out in life the path that you want rather than the next step. The fact that — or just be resigned to the fact that it’s a dead end everywhere you go. The challenge with that is there’s no right or wrong here, there’s only a more appropriate choice based upon where you’re at. It’s not about saying, Oh, everybody in “to me” is wrong. There’s a lot of people that need “to me” in order to learn the lessons required to move to them in the next level. So it’s not about trying to come from a place of ego saying no, low. There people are less or low of them, that not it. We’ve all been in “to me” and some people are in “to me” in different parts of their life, whether it’s relationship versus business, it doesn’t matter.
The next level in “by me” and this is where a lot of the achievements are notice. This is where personal development thrive on selling people information on how they can basically be better in “by me”. What you described here, Krisstina, is the epitome of what I call the curse of the white rabbit. I use a dog track metaphor for that. You take these greyhounds, these beautiful specimens and the track opens and boom, they’re chasing their goal. They are off to catch that rabbit. Of course, do they ever catch the rabbit? No, of course not. But here’s the question, why not? Is it because they’re not a good enough greyhound? Is it because they don’t have the right diets or the right trainor, or sleep in the wrong canoe, or any of that stuff? No, of course not. It’s became the game is set up specifically and designed purposefully so that they can never catch the rabbit. There’s a bigger game going on.
Now, the dogs don’t really care, they get to do what they love to do. Entrepreneurs chase goals because we’re entrepreneurs, we build business, that’s what we love to do. But if we are trying to catch the next rabbit in order to validate ourselves as a greyhound, I’ve got news for you, you don’t see a greyhound cross the finish line and turn around to his friends and say, “You know, so in those three races I’ve run, I haven’t won any of them, I quit.” No. You don’t see them being upset that they didn’t catch it, no. You see the dogs at the end of the race? They’re ecstatic, they’re panting, they’re happy, why? Because they got to do what they were born to do which is run. That’s what greyhounds do. Entrepreneurs build businesses, that’s what we do, that’s what we’re born for.
This the best way I can phrase it: you cannot catch the rabbit of fulfillment which — remember we said that’s more of the golden happiness. You cannot catch the rabbit of fulfillment by running on the track of achievements, because the two are mutually exclusive. If even you’re under the illusion that “Oh, I caught my rabbit,” let’s say it’s the first million, that’s a big rabbit for a lot of people, and they’re off chasing it. They’ll validate themselves when and I’ll give myself a break when and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, when I get my first million. So they get the first million and what happens? They’re temporarily okay and happy because they ticked off the goal. What they’re probably actually happy about that their brains not telling them is that they’re actually happy to stop running, but there’s no fulfillment because you can’t catch the rabbit of fulfillment on the track of achievements. So what happens? Very shortly after, “Oh, I still feel empty. I thought I’ve made it by now but now I need two million in case I lose the first.” So guess what happens? Another white fluffy tail appears, and boom, went on the next one.
Most people spend their entire life chasing rabbits they can never catch, or they pin another one to the wall and then wonder why they’re not happy. Eventually getting to the end of the grave and unfortunately a lot of people do end the game chasing the more — accumulating everything that they can only accolade in sight, only to get to the end and realize that no one was actually playing that game that give a damn.
And that, I know in my case, so much of it was this background of look at me, look at me. For me, I was constantly trying to feel more and feel better and I thought the next achievement, the next to accolade would help me — it’s more unconscious than conscious but it was this idea and this belief of “I’m not good enough.” So maybe if I have this next accomplishment or found in that circle, or if I can claim this like those people can, then I’m valid, then I’m good enough. But in there, is the good enough game, that if we live that chasing the white rabbit, we will never be good enough because we’re good enough right now, and then it doesn’t mean we’re stopping. But in this life experience, it’s I’m good enough with who I am now, and then I’ll continue to self actualize and grow. I think that’s the psychology part and emotional part that’s really wrapped in, that can make it really hard to get out of that game, that rid game.
There’s only one way out, and one way to break the curse, and that is to recognize that you already are that what you seek. Now, when this is internalize, not just intellectualize because everybody understands English, but it doesn’t change the game tomorrow when they still wake up feeling empty. When you reach that place of understanding you already are, that what you seek, you can let go, and now you can go build businesses because it’s fun. Not because it’s a challenge, but because it turns you on. Not because you’re choosing the pathway or of industry that you think has more chance to success but you’re not passionate about, because you’re chasing the more and the fastest way you think to get there to avoid scarcity.
So there’s many different awarenesses to go through in order to really own that. Again, you’re right, coming back to where those things happen, it’s all about trying to fill a void, and that void occurs essentially from 0 to 7 and predominantly from 0 to 3. That’s because if you look at a baby, when a baby’s born. A baby can’t do anything wrong, why? Because it’s a baby, and mom is high on Oxytocin love cocktail, and the baby wakes you up at 2 in the morning, it’s convenient but you still love the baby. You don’t blame the baby. Baby throws up on your new dress when you’re about to go out, it’s inconvenient, but you don’t stop loving the baby.
Now, there’s a certain aspect where that shifts. It’s usually went to the point where in about 18 months, 2 years old what have you where the parent really thinks that the child is now responding and can understand some level of two-way communication. At which point, as parents, we put on an assumption that we’re a model around the fact that if they do what we feel is good for them or safe or what have you — we give approval, and if they do something that’s bad or wrong or naughty or dangerous or what have you, the perception of the child is that we withdraw that approval. Now, obviously, we don’t withdraw or ask him, it doesn’t matter, perception is reality at that point to the child.
So by the time we have our earliest memory around about 5 years old, 4 years old, somewhere around that, we’ve already have a couple of years of training that love is conditional. We have to earn love, we have to be good enough in order to get that which we most need and seek above anything else. You go to the orphanages in eastern Europe, the orphans aren’t there because these are full because the parents are dead. They’re there because the parents doesn’t want the children because they’re dumping grounds from many kids because a lot of the religious beliefs don’t promote contraception. The parents essentially have too many kids and it outgrows those who have to, so they’re dumping sites. Can you imagine how unwanted you have to feel to be dumped off by your parents.
So all of these orphanages have European funding, so they have the Red Cross, they have everything a child would physically need in order to support it in nutrition wise, everything else, and intellectual stimulation, but they don’t have love. So virtually, every single growth marker of that child, whether it’s blood profile, muscle development, height, is down by about 30%. Why? Because love is far more nutritious than a protein shake will ever be, case closed. If we are then craving that love, medicine in medical community will call it failure to thrive syndrome where children will die if they’re not physically given love. If we then understand that we as children growing up are so desperately wanting that nutrition and we have to behave a certain way in order to get the thumbs up where it’s given, we then spend the rest our lives wanting that pattern and projecting it into our own relationships. So has anyone wonder why we’re addicted to approval, we’re addicted to the good opinion of others until we wake up and realize that we are already are that which we seek. We can’t go out and get love because you can’t walk into Walmart and order two kilos over the counter. No.
Love is a feeling that you experience based upon triggers from other people. That’s it. You can feel love from somebody but what you’re really doing is giving yourself permission to it, access the love inside of you based upon the fact that somebody else is sharing that heart. So how do you experience love? How do you give love? How do you get love? It all has to be from your overflow. You can’t get love if you’re empty. If you’re walking around with 20% of your love tank full, and running around with a begging bowl hoping somebody’s going to throw some love coins in there to try and fill you up, I’ve got news for you, it’s never going to happen. You have to be able to give love from your overflow. Love is like a vocabulary, just because you’re fluent, it doesn’t mean somebody else can’t learn. You don’t take it out of the economy. It’s not a small pie. The more you learn out the language of love, the more other people can speak it. You don’t deplete the — it’s not a finite source.
So being able to go out into the world and give love from your overflow means that you feel love, and that’s part of the reason here, why? Because it’s authentic.
So then that takes us, I guess, maybe to — when you’re talking about love, that takes us to the place of the “through me.” Like love comes through me when I have that overflow. When I’m filled up myself, when love of self even, and getting off this GOOP game, this trap, this loop of either I’m a victim or I’m the next achievement is where life will figure itself out and I’ll finally be happy or feel worthy or worthwhile or whatever. So it’s getting to this next level, I guess, you’re calling it of awareness or of consciousness, of like no, those two things don’t work. It’s really moving to this place of, it’s present with me right now and I can give love through me. Things pass through me and I’m just…
That you’re in love. What will get you from A to B, doesn’t get you from B to C. It’s not about — no one’s born at “through me”. Well actually yes, people are born naturally at “through me” but they are conditioned against it as we said. Now, most people come through based on the story whether as a victim or then finally saying, “I’m through with that. Let me go out and take the world and grab it by its horns to make it fit my pictures, and start chasing rabbits on that exhausting, unfulfilling road. Hoping that when I get the next rabbit I’ll be there.”
Again, go to nature. Nature is a fabulous, I guess, teacher. Nature acquaints on two laws, growth and contribution, and the membrane between the two is cooperation. If we have a situation whereby we understand that the oak tree doesn’t struggle to grow. An oak tree would struggle if it wanted to be an apple tree. It’s when we’re trying to be something we’re not, then we’re pushing against life. The root of life, and I call it a river for a reason, is because it winds constantly. Every river, if you look at the topography, regardless of the topography from an aerial photograph follows the same pattern it winds. There’s no straight lines in nature. We’re taught through left brain dominance in school system, the fastest way from A to B is a straight line, and it’s not, it isn’t. That’s an absolute false belief and it’s down to left brain conditioning.
If you think the fastest way from A to B is a straight line, open your front door in the morning and try walking in a straight line to your supermarket. It’s not going to happen, or you’re going upset your neighbor’s wall. Try driving to work in a straight line, I say it’s not going to work, no. We have to get out of the street, turn left, head to the end, head north, get on the intersection, go south on the freeway, and that’s the fastest most efficient way to the office. Yeah, we understand that. So if we’re trying to carve our way through life by digging a channel through the river as soon as it bends left or right, rather than going with that flow, rather than appreciating that the wisdom of the current is smarter than us.
Just because we’re freaking out, because the outer world doesn’t fit our pictures, then it’s a very inefficient way to start getting your boat and dragging it across the bank, to try and join up with the river further downstream because you’re committed to a straight line, no. Of course, life is nonlinear, we know that. Science knows that. My biggest passions in several years has been really understanding the latest cutting-edge, discoveries in the fringe Sciences. We understand, we understood since 1927 materialism has absolutely no basis in reality at all. Every attempt since 1927, when Einstein and the gang first proposed the fact that materialism is not the way it is, but we live in an energy based universe, not a physical based universe. Not one experiment has essentially been conducted that validated materialism. We live in a normal linear world. What is the primary pattern of life? It’s the wave. The wave gives birth to the particle and not the other way around. What’s the pattern of a wave? Ups and downs. It was the same as a river if you look at it. A light wave, a microwave, an x-ray, a sound wave, it doesn’t matter, everything that you can experience in this game called life, is oscillating at a frequency. As soon as you look at it under a microscope, you can see, you can measure, you can see this is fact.
What is frequency? It is a — that’s what you didn’t heard which is cycles per second, which is the ups and the downs. There’s no straight lines. When the river takes a left turn, it’s only the mind that freaks out because the mind is trying to guess the next five moves but the heart knows the next one. It’s all you need. If you’re programming the set, have it in the morning by sitting down and putting your meditation in place and you’re getting sense, and you’re getting off the left brain, the habituation of thinking and all of that, then you’ll start to tune in to what we already know. Women have a far greater access to this we call a feminine insolation, but we have connection to the non-physical, whether it’s through the pineal gland in the brain, as a physical connection, whether it’s through the vagus nerve or the gut, same thing. We have access to energetic information that comes out of the source field, that we then interpret that through gut feel or intuition, or hind insight, all that kind of stuff.
If you’re listening to the heart, the heart is the compass, and in these days, the mind is the map, and guess what? maps are out of date within two moves. So if you try to run your life through the map, then you’ll always going to be second guessing yourself and inducing uncertainty and doubt, and complaining when all of a sudden, something appears that isn’t on the map. Whereas the heart is the compass, the compass is a far better way to live your life. So getting into “through me” is about trusting the compass and then flowing with the river, and if the river bends left, then go with the flow because chances are it’s going to take you around the corner, to catapult you background towards your goal in a faster current.
When you start living life on that place, it’s amazing what doors open effortlessly. I say to people, it’s very similar to like, you go to a hotel these days and check-in, they give you a plastic key card like a credit card, and it’s coded with a vibration that will match the door, and when you touch it to the door, the door opens effortlessly because you’re matching that vibration. Now, you imagine your life as a series of a hundred doors with a hundred potential possibilities and obviously there’s a lot more. A lot of people go to the door that they think behind that is what they want, and what do they do? They start kicking down the door, they start getting a sledge hammer. Now it’s possible. It waste a lot of energy, you can do it if you want. It’s far better to go get the right key and stand next to it and have it opened effortlessly, because you’re attracting it. That’s the difference between “by me” which is pursuits, and “through me” which is polarity.
Another two ways you can operate at life if you’re trying to be proactive. If you want to go chase the rabbit, good luck with that, and all of personal development, I say all at sweeping statement by the vast majority of personal development here, Krisstina, and you’ll see this now and I’ll explain it. It’s nothing more than teaching people how to run faster on the track. Here’s my new goal setting course, here’s a new technique, here’s an app, here’s a whatever it is, here’s a seminar, here’s a book, here’s a fill in the blank, just so you can learn something which ultimately is a technique that you think would help you run faster to catch the next rabbit.
Well, it’s a personal development for sure, but it’s ubiquitous. I mean throughout corporations, we’re all — believe this, it’s western culture. I think that’s where we gotten so far away from more of the metaphysical in our western world. It’s built in the harder you work, maybe you’ll get a raise. The bigger your goals and dreams are — I mean we’re getting that type of validation all the time, that you need to be more, you need to do more, you need to go faster, you’re not good enough, you need to make more money. I mean we’re bombarded with this messaging that’s everywhere. You need to buy more, you need to — in order to be more, you need to buy more and have more. I mean it’s this idea of more and more and more and more and more.
It isn’t enough.
And it’s hard to step outside of that. Like we’re in the swoop of this culture. I mean culturally that’s the belief system, I think.
Yeah, and that’s indoctrinated through the two biggest influences in people’s lives. One is that pay group, who you surround yourself with and who you become, end of story. You hang out with nine proactive how we can, not why we can’t see an entrepreneurial guy out there and contribute people, you’d become the tenth vicariously. You hang out with nine recreational drug users that watch daytime TV and talk about why the world sucks and politics then you’re going to be the tenth, I’m sorry, that’s just the way it is. It’s called the law of conformity. Those rivers won’t have a strong current, and you can try to swim against it for a while but you’re going to get carried away at some point. So your peer group is a big factor on how, what I call the compass needle of the mind has magnetized the direction. Now how do you magnetize a needle? You take a magnet and then you continually stroke it in one direction. So your peer group is constantly stroking the compass needle of your mind in one specific direction which is then remagnetizing your north as to where your focus is.
Now the second things is the media. Again, don’t get me started on a 20 minute video on YouTube where I expose the business model of the media and I challenge anyone to watch that and go the back to news again. Because if you knew what it was doing, it’s like thinking that yeah, eating stinging metals is good for you, which I can boil in the tea, fair enough. But I wouldn’t want to take it normally.
So if you have two big influences that are constantly magnetizing your compass needle, and I’d say the mind is like a compass needle because it can only point in one direction at a time. Even amazing women like yourself that can multitask what you’re essentially doing is pointing that needle in several different directions quickly one after the other, but you can’t point the compass needle of the mind in two directions at once. It just doesn’t work. So because 95% of what we do is unconscious, is through habituation, and which is why we don’t have to learn how to walk everyday, which is why you can now put on lipstick and makeup while you’re driving, steering with ease and don’t tell anyone.
Then, yet we are habituating the act in 95% of the time. When we’re conscious, we’re different, which is why relationships, by the way, start off really well because we’re making decisions from unconscious because it’s something new. As soon as we get familiar with our partner, that relationship interaction is pass to rear side of the brain where all of the subconscious habituating patterns happen, and now we’re dealing with all of that other stuff, so you’ve got four minds that are in the relationship instead of two, and now we get clashes, now it’s like, “Who the hell is this person?” “Where were you last four months? Where was the nice guy I was dating?” All of that stuff.
But if we understand that 95% of the time we’re essentially sleeping awake, which is why most people can’t understand what just happened the last two miles on the freeway. Then, if we are sleeping awake, that’s when our compass needle will automatically start to swing towards its condition to north. So you may think that, “Oh well, I’m listening to the news in the car, but it just really affect me check in tune and they’re not me, you can feel subconsciously, that’s correct, and 5% of your life that will work.” But I don’t care, if you’re sitting in the car, you’ll listening to jazz. You don’t like jazz, but that’s all the car plays and the radio is stuck on, and you’re in the car. I’ve got news for you, within a couple of hours, you’re tapping your feet. Two days later, you’re humming it in the shower. A week after that, you’re wondering where the jazz is if it’s not there. You will be in program with the condition unconsciously so often and if you want the media to be able to do that for you, then you’re naturally going to be negative as much as your 5% of the time, I’m going to try to be positive.
So you can’t be in “through me” if your compass needle is constantly pointing in the direction that says “to me” or “by me.”
Yeah, you know something also is — I mean my question to you, I guess, is there’s that, and I think so many of us were just doing these things like listening to the news, or complaints going on at work or whatever, and that certainly affecting us like you talked about. But how much of this also is that because of the habitualization and the subconsciousness going on, but is there another part two, and that means we’re just too damn busy. We’re too busy doing all the time, next, next, next, there’s no gap, there’s no break, there’s no time to feel awake, there’s no space to even reflect or try to — I don’t know, diagnose why we’re doing what we’re doing. It’s just we’re in this river of this — we’re not navigating, we’re just being taken by it without even knowing it. But how much of this, is we have to produce a space in order to wake up, in order to reflect, in order to notice and observe or maybe assess like why am I stuck, or why am I on this treadmill, or why am I not fulfilled? But when we just go next, we’re like, that’s it, just part of, I think, the power of this is that now, in this 24/7 digital age in times we’re in, it’s even harder to get off that treadmill.
There’s two things, Krisstina, one is the fact that we are conditioned constantly in this 21st century push button notification society whereby — if you go to the gym and consistently lift weights with your arms, your arms are going to get bigger and more developed, and they’re going to want to lift more weights. If you constantly program your left side of your brain to be stimulated every three microseconds of the average human rivals of goldfish’s attention span, then that’s what it’s going to do. It’s conditioned. We are 24/7 adaptation machines, the mind and the body. Now the body, we get it. Now what you’re saying is, “Well, I keep going to Mcdonald’s and eating Big Mac’s and I keep putting on weight. I don’t know why, it’s not fair.” If you do that, that’s what’s going to happen, we understand. Now your body doesn’t care how aware it adapts, its job is to adapt to its environment. Now that could be the gym, or it could be Mcdonald’s, it doesn’t care, it will adapt beautifully to both.
Now the mind is the same thing, but the mind has some very interesting things going on. One thing I’ll say is that I call it a circuit breaker. The primary fear as human beings we have is the fear that we’re not enough, and most of us, and I usually say this at the end of the first day on my business where we really drill down and sit to reinventing who you are, because unless you do that, nothing else changes. If you are scared that you’re not enough, and you have shaped your entire life in terms of your habitual behaviors, choices, preferences, who you date, and where you’re going on holiday, what jobs you want, what people you hang with, you’ve shaped all of those decisions unconsciously through filtering first through the avoidance of the fear that you’re not enough. Your entire life is shaped around the avoidance of the fear that you’re not enough, and not good enough, not good looking enough, not tall enough, short enough, whatever, just fill in the blank.
If you are forced to look in the mirror and see something you don’t like, then rather than light the bulb of the circuit in the brain called I’m not good enough bulb, you will short circuit that and it won’t even get there. You’ll defend, you’ll attack, you’ll ignore, you’ll mitigate, and all of that will start to run. If you sat on say “I’ll just go meditate” and you need to train them on, to be quiet. Most people’s mind is like an untrained puppy. It’s terrible.
So yes, you’re busy, busy, busy, busy. I haven’t got time to self-reflect. Why? Because you’re in the gym, in the mind gym, basically conditioning it to talk every three nanoseconds. So get out of Mcdonald’s and go do something healthy because your mind will adapt. So you need to train it to quiet down, that’s why meditation is a beautiful tool. That’s not the big deal answer but it’s a beautiful tool for getting that gap to calm down, to train the mind, to calm the muscle of over activity that’s been stimulated through today’s world. But the other aspect is the avoidance of the fear that you’re not enough. Well listen, when was the last time people looked in the mirror naked and thought wow. I’ve got 50 trillion perfect cells in a skin covered petri dish that are acting in total harmony, and like operating at 500 different interactions per second, some of them flawlessly. I mean, you would fall down to your knees and cry in gratitude, but what was under the skin and part of this body that we get to play around in if you really understood it. I mean, it just blows your way. But no, what do we do instead? “Oh, I’m not quite sure about these love handles.” “Oh, I could lose a bit of weight here.” “Oh, my hair is getting frizzy.” “Oh, I’ve got a cheek hair.” “Oh, my breast is not the same size,” whatever it is. Constantly beating ourselves up by noticing what’s wrong, which as I said early, it was a projection of that pattern we’re not good enough because we think we have to be in a certain way in order to get love approval and everything else conditioned by the media, so you can buy more crap you don’t need, back to validate the fact that they have a balance sheet. You go or not.
So acknowledging who you are, yeah, the fastest way to that is gratitude. That unconditional love is actually more powerful because so many people don’t have a reference for what unconditional love is. It’s very hard for people to access that, so gratitude is different because every single person listening to this right now, think of two things you’re grateful for that happened yesterday, and everyone put them on the table. But here’s where the mind will trick you. You can unless — what’s wrong is always available and so is what’s right, that’s the question of focus. So if I was ask everybody listening, if you write down 10 things that suck about your life right now, I will give you a million bucks. Everybody would win a million bucks. If I said tell me 10 things in your life that you can be happy and grateful for right now, I would give you a million bucks. Everybody would win a million bucks. My point being is it’s what you choose to focus on, which one’s always available.
If you condition to notice that, which is what the media trained you to do in order to stimulate the part of the brain called the amygdala so they can recruit you into as a view in statistics to justify where it can, and again, don’t get me started. But if you can really come from that place of appreciation, of who you are first, then you can start to fill up, and then you can start to give from your overflow.
You know that’s really something for anybody listening to circle. It’s like yeah, there is so much to be grateful for and you’re right. I have my journal in practice which everyday I’m really looking at, writing down what I’m grateful for, but be grateful for ourselves. Like we have a purpose here. We can make impact, we’re good, we’re good enough, and that reminder too to start back here that in order to overflow, we need to appreciate and love ourselves. I think that’s a big part that’s missing, like yeah, there’s so much to be grateful for in the external world but there’s just as much to be grateful for in our entire world.
Yup, every time. When we can start to also understand that the brain can even trick us on that as well, because there’s a difference between writing down what you’re grateful for, and experiencing the feeling of gratitude. Sometimes we think, “Oh great! Here’s another way to catch the rabbit.” Before I go to bed, let’s write five things down I’m grateful for, and therefore I’m in line with my spiritual practice. It’s a left brain exercise that seduces us into thinking that “Oh! See we’ve done it, and therefore we’re on track,” whereas if I was to ask you to experience or tell me what being grateful for is like for something yesterday without using words, you’d start to shift to your feeling center instead of your thinking center. Now we’re getting somewhere.
Yes, yes.
That’s a different experience, and that’s the challenge. We do have two centers. I’m going to make it at as simple as possible because I’m a simple guy. We got a thinking center, we got a feeling center. What really sends the messages out to life is when those two were in alignment. When your thinking and feeling center are aligned, you’re broadcasting a powerful signal. Here’s the challenge. What’s the fastest thing that unites the heart and mind? Fear.
So most people that are constantly broadcasting powerful signal to tell life what they want, which is essentially what they don’t want and wonder why it shows up. You start broadcasting what you want or focus on what you want with the heart and mind aligned, and boom, whole different game. Because otherwise, you’re staring in the mere affirmations, “Oh! I’m happy. I’m rich. I’m successful. I’m happy, I’m rich and successful,” and the heart is saying “Bullshit.” The heart is saying, “You can read it all you want but I ain’t feeling it.” Because the heart doesn’t speak in language. It only knows towards a way, positive, negative, engage, disengage, grow, protect, that feels good, it doesn’t feel good, truth, untruth. That’s the language of the heart. It’s binary, case closed.
Now the mind has access to some pretty incredible tools, it’s a pretty cool thing. It has language and reasoning and logic and deduction and labeling, and comparison, and metaphor. So when the heart and mind sit across a debate table, guess who wins? The mind usually wins, not because it’s right, it can never be right. Only the heart understands truth because it has access to more tools on which defend its argument. Therefore, we go and make a decision, and part of it when we end and you sit all the time. Five years later, when they get divorce it’s like, “You know, I knew walking down the aisle, it just wasn’t the right thing but it ticked every box on my left brain piece of paper.” Good luck with that. Yeah, we’ve all done it, but your heart is your compass and it only knows yes or no.
So when you get to a point where you trust life enough as your partner, that’s when you get into “through me”. When you know that life is here to work for you rather than against you.
And to work through you.
Yeah, and then that’s when you’re flowing. The energy flows through you, you can’t hold it. It’s like money, you can’t put it all in the bank and expect to be happy because now you’ve played the more game and you think you’ve won but nobody else was playing. It is not about that. What do you see on somebody’s death bed when they’ve come to terms with their own mortality and know they’ve got hours or days to live? Will they say go get me my bank balance? No. Go get me my mahogany framed MBA certificate? No. Go get me a picture of my first Ferrari? Give me a break, no. Go fetch the people that I love the most because I want to spent my last time with them. I want to tell them how much I love them again.
Well and I had that own experience where I was there and that was my big awakening was — exactly that was this existential despair of thinking, “Oh my god, I’m going to die,” and my entire life has been about achievement and being able to check those boxes, and all my material possessions, and all my accomplishments in my words, and all these things, I thought I was doing the right thing, and I just was left with this who gives an “F” about all these shit that I have, like none of it matters. I’ve wasted so much time and energy, and just so much of my life. I’ve not experienced my life because I was always in the future, of the next thing, I was never present. And with people, if I were here with you, I’d already be thinking of who’s next and what’s next, and I need to get through this really fast because I’ve got 10 billion other things I need to accomplish today in order to get there. So yeah, I mean what I’d really wish to say in so many people from arriving into that same spot, I’m lucky I got a second chance. But many times we don’t, so if we can help people wake up now, it will save, I think so much existential despair maybe later on.
One thing now, there’s something else I want to talk about. We’re getting close to our time together, but you’re really tapping into — and I think you’ve even said the word, I’m not sure you did, but this metaphysical and some of what I am starting to teach a little bit, and I’m a little — I’m very sensitive about this because I think, especially a lot of my listeners and audience and my personal clients, they’re not quite sure they’re ready to go here. It’s this balance between the physical, metaphysical, and I talked about the three different intelligences that I’m really starting to tap into. When I was “by me” to use your words, everything that was all in my brain, you know, and I’ve — my brain is pretty powerful and I can rationalize everything, and logic everything, and left brained type A, all those things and specially, this culture we’re in, that for us typed A left brain people linear analytical, it works. We feel very comfortable there.
What I learned though that through my own work, and my own awakening if you will, again to use your words is really moving down and realizing that, “Oh! there’s this other intelligences,” and we talked about them in physical, our brain, our heart, our gut. In science — we’re learning so much about the Science of this and learning the neuroscience. We understand the heart and cardiology, and even to things like cholesterol, what we thought was bad maybe is not so bad from scientifically. Then we’d look at now even the new science with the gut and the microbio, how important this is and we’re killing our microbiome. So those were all physical, biological, scientific, mechanistic things that we don’t necessarily completely understand, but there’s a lot of new science and knowledge here. Like, many of us are sick because we’ve killed our gut biome with all of the antibiotics we’ve taken for example, which maybe is making that much harder to tap to tap into the metaphysical. But my point is that, those are the physical descriptions, but underneath that or intertwined with it, or just one and the same as there’s this metaphysical layer to it that’s like this that, there’s so much we don’t understand but we have our brain intelligence.
But like you said, this heart intelligence, of how we connect human to human, and how we feel, and how we connect with nature, there’s a heart intelligence here and it’s metaphysical. Like we can’t describe it or explain it, or scientifically prove it, it just it. Then with our gut, like you said, this intuition, reason why we say, follow your gut, it’s like we have this intelligence in our gut, and these babies can talk to each other and I think some of what this discovery is, and this metaphysical realm is. These other two intelligence are actually — they know the truth, and like you said, our brain doesn’t necessarily because of our skill at languaging.
The rest of nature doesn’t have this ability to language so they only can rely on instinct and the gut, and maybe how they connect with nature, so on and so forth. So you’re really very open about this and putting this out there, but how do you describe this difference between physical, metaphysical, or this more metaphysical realm as you describe it.
Yeah. I wish we had another hour to talk, but in the time that we have — I mean for many centuries, the truth provider was generally accepted as the church or the religions of the spiritual teachings, the Sufis or what have you. Then Copernicus came along, then Galileo, then Newton, and when Newton discovered Calculus, he was able to take away all of the invisible aspect of reality, and just work of the material aspect. So forces, motion, gravity, mass and calculates and explain the phenomena of life through purely physical sides. Prior to that, the church was handling all of the nonphysical. Like there’s God, it was a force, it was something you couldn’t see that it moved the moon and stars.
So Science and religion were logging heads from day one. They’re both — they’ll never be a part, there are different ways of telling the same story. You can’t have one without the other. If you want to go to a material wealth, then great. Now, as great as your stunning swiss watch. Take it apart, reverse engineer it, put it back together and you’ll understand it. But if I ask to take you and cut you into thousand pieces and then have a look on them, put you back together, I’ve got news for you, yeah, because you ain’t coming back. That there’s something invisible there that is intangible.
Now, how do we know that because the very definition of being physical, means that your destination is non physical. I don’t care if that’s your body, I don’t care if it’s the sun. I don’t care if it’s a thousand year old tree. And I guess by the very definition of being physical means your destination is non physical. Everything in the physical world is subject to the law of impermanence, which means the essence of who we are has to be non physical. It has to be, otherwise, what’s the point?
So when we now go to Science and we start looking at things like the double sleeve experiment, when we start looking at, understanding that reality is subject to influence based upon — and the closest we can come up with is a word called intention. We don’t really know what intention is, it’s a label by the mind. But when we start to understand that the real substance that creates life, and for years the dogma of traditional Science and Biology whether- it was found in gene mutation. We now know that’s not even close to being true. The entire Science around epigenetics is just beautiful and revealing. When we start to understand that materialism doesn’t actually exist, if you just go down and study an atom, what have you got? The old models and nucleus with the nitron buzzing around it, not true, never was, not even close. You have a field of possibility wherein electron can show up or appear based upon the intention of the observer. We’re not interacting with reality all the time. Where is it when we don’t look? It’s a wave, it’s an area of possibility, it’s energy.
So we have this interaction with the metaphysical to produce the physical. If I shrink you down to the size of an atom and fly you into an atom with a camera, a little mini Gopro and say this, “Go into the center of that nucleus and take pictures.” What’s there? Nothing. 99.9 to the power of 6% nothing in energy, potential, possibility. 0.000001% actual mass. So we are physically metaphysical in one. How do you know that? Why? Because we have a physical body, but we also dream at night. Dreams are metaphysical, that’s one aspect. How do you measure love? How do you measure intelligence at the level of intuition? How do you measure creativity? Imagination? That’s metaphysical. We’re a beautiful encapsulation of both.
Again, the church is always complaining at science, science complaining and dismissing religion, that you waste a time, essentially you can’t have one without the other. So yeah, if people starts to understand that metaphysics, the wave gives birth to the particle, not the other way around, why? Because it is metaphysics before physics. Physics deals with the very big and the very slow, which essentially means that it’s predictable, which is why Newton in Calculus got such attraction. Koch’s postulates, the scientific principles, it has repeatable and it has to be predictable and they’re out again, well guess what? You take a roulette table, here’s a quick metaphor to finish up. You blow it up to the size of the football pitch, and you spin it at like half a mile an hour, barely moving. You’re standing at the foot with a giant medicine ball sized sort of ball, and you want to drop it into 27 black, and when it passes underneath, you let go and it drops in 27 black and you can do that every single time and predict it, that’s Physics.
Now, metaphysics deals with the very small or the very fast. There’s a lot more uncertainty there. So you shrink that roulette will down to the size of the normal roulette wheel and spin it, and now put the ball in. It’s not going to be 27 black every single time. So normal physics says, “Oh therefore, it doesn’t work.” No, because it was always probability but when you’re dealing with slow and big, probability is far more predictable. Oh I meditated and I thought positive, and guess what? Something great happened. Oh but I did it again and it didn’t happen, and normal science will say, “Oh, there you go. See? That’s not Science, that doesn’t work, that’s all woo woo.” Now, you’d understand, you’re done with the metaphysical. It’s small and fast, and therefore there’s more uncertainty around it. Because everything is based upon a certainty, uncertainty principle when you look where that electron could appear based upon the observer effect.
It’s not difficult when you understand how to marry the two together. But if you attract him to a material world because your compass needle is pointing in a direction that you’ve been conditioned by media and the wrong pay group and you’re still struggling trying to get the good opinion of others, trying to plug in your own Belco cord and so the rest and someone else to get a love you’d think you need, and you’re still chasing validation by running around catching rabbits, I’ve got news for you, you ain’t got time for that metaphysical stuff because you’re too busy trying to live a life that — life is telling you isn’t in flow.
So much the takeaway there I think for so many of us is that — I mean you shared so much but to circle us back around is to maybe move more or work to move forward, take a pause and start observing self, observing our situation, start to really ask the question of how do I maybe moving my life more “through me” versus “by me”. That life isn’t linear, it’s not predictable, it’s not a straight line, that the more we can get comfortable with the uncertainty, and looking forward to maybe in the next curve. What’s across? What’s on the other side of that curve that’s coming up, and just go with the flow with it, and navigate and learn, and be, and make impact, and be good enough. Get to the place where I’m good enough and there lies a secret to more fulfillment.
But that doesn’t mean necessarily that life is perfect either, and that there’s not a failure, there’s not a struggle. Life is life.
Not about that. Your journey along your river of your life. Your role is to be a good sailor. Now, you’ve still got to go million of sails, you still want to navigate the bends, you can go below deck and meditate and hopefully it’s all going to magically happen. That doesn’t work. We still got to move because we’re here for a purpose, otherwise we’d still be a spirit.
So you got to be a good sailor, but if you’re here to give your gift to the world, to contribute who you are as to why you were here, whatever that is, and you’re not going to find that chasing rabbits. If you’re coming from that place, then you’re going to need to go through choppy waters, to build, to strengthen the arms when you’re holding the wheel in order to go to the next level of your journey. Life is your training partner. We pay good money for training partners in the gym or personal trainers. Now, if we want to train for the marathon of life, then we hire a personal trainer. What we’ve already got is cold life, it’s going to give you the challenges you need in order to grow so you can contribute more. Why complain about the bends in the river?
Here’s the easiest way for me to sum it up. We have a binary option on how we can react to anything. Love or fear. If you want to strip it all the way, you want to get right down to brass tacks, love or fear is it. Have you put your corridor — so if you put your foot in the corridor of fear, every step you’d take after that doesn’t matter. You put in the corridor of love, every step after that is going to have a different journey. So if you’re loving the bends in the river, regardless of how traumatic they seem, regardless of how off it may seem, and how normally — it doesn’t matter, they don’t fit the pictures. If you’re coming from love, you can trust the bends in the river, that’s what I’ve learned. If you’re coming from fear, it’s going to take you over a waterfall. You create what’s around the bend. You know that in science. It isn’t all fixed. No, that’s a materialism paradigm that died in 1927 unless you weren’t watching.
We create the outer world when we arrange itself physically at the energetic and atomic levels to bring you in circumstances, we call synchronicities, to support you based upon your intention. If we can affect the appearance of an electron under a microscope based on intention, what do you think we can do with reality? Yes, it’s listening. Reality is subject to influence, wake up. The only time you don’t believe that is if you’re in “to me” mode, or you’re trying to make it fit your left brain pictures in “by me” mode. So coming from love, then boom! You’ll be able to sail around the river. Of course, there’s going to be challenges. You want them, you don’t go to train for a marathon then expect your personal trainer to let you walk 100 yards and go home. No. You want to be throwing up on the side, walk up to 10K, and thanking him for pushing you that far, because on that scenario you understand that you’re getting it.
What makes a marathon more fulfilling? Wanting it for something other than yourself. We’re back to contribution, that’s why you have to grow. When you look at the New York marathon, the Boston Marathon which I know you’ve run. The first time marathoners, most of them, I’m not talking about the pro athletes that do it for fun every year. The first time is far more of those are running for a cause, for somebody they love or care about, or raising money for something, far more doing it for that, those that sign up for the first time that don’t have that, vast more majority of those drop out, why? What’s life trying to tell us? They’ll give you a gift.
With that, let’s complete there. I have one final question for you. Thank you, my goodness. Your words, your language, your metaphors are so brilliant and perfect and helpful, so thank you.
Thanks for having me.
Yeah, so you’re amazing. Thank you. You shared so much with us today, and my gosh, you’ve really touch my heart, so thank you. I complete every episode with one question, and part of what I’m really wanting to do through this podcast is to break these popular beliefs, these misconceptions, these places where we’re stuck, where it’s unconscious belief just because there are everywhere. Like it’s mainstream conventional wisdom, but I’d like to break those or myth bust some of these things because unknowingly I think so much of these beliefs really hold us back. In your world, from your point of view, your vantage point, your work, your experiences, your expertise, what do you see that’s such a mainstream conventional belief out there that you believe isn’t true, and it’s holding people back, it’s self defeating, distorting our best intentions?
Well, I have many that I could pick. As an entrepreneur, I would say that one of the most destructive is the belief that our self-worth is our net-worth. If we’re playing that game, we will always be coming from fear instead of love. We’ll always be making decisions based upon avoiding fear of loss from scarcity, from protection instead of growth. So if you understand that you are not your net-worth, right? If I lost everything tomorrow it would be a damn good excuse to go again. Why? Because it’s the getting it, it’s the journey, not having it. How do I know that? Because I’m not going to take it with me. Everything is subject to the law of impermanence, including me. The only people that tried it out, well who? There were the Egyptians, and what happened? Three thousand years later, we dug it up and stole it, right? You can’t take it with you. I’ve never seen a horse with a luggage rack.
If you can understand that the purpose here is not to accumulate more to validate yourself. I think everyone that’s currently playing that game, can look in the mirror and not see deep joined fulfillment on a regular basis that I could access to. If your self-worth and net-worth are tied together, you’ll always be chasing rabbits to try to catch. They’re something that you think is fulfillment by running on the track of achievement, never going to happen. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve lost everything. Guess what? I’m blasting off to be able to pick up the bat and swing it again. We live in a timely human history where it’s impossible to starve to death in modern western society. Try it, they’ll force feed you.
I’m so grateful for being here that who care — I mean yeah, oh I need are nice stuff to go in there. Guess what? I spent time in Africa networking in some of the slums like Gugulethu or Soweto, and some of the orphanages in Kenya. I see more joy and happiness in kids there because they got an extra spoon of rice that day. And the fact that it was raining or it was sunny, or whatever it was. Half the kids that I see here are habitually complaining because they didn’t get the latest iPad. It’s about perspective. If you’re net-worth and self-worth are tied together, you’re already on the wrong race track, and no matter how fast you try to run, you will never cross the finish line of fulfillment.
Well, that’s beautiful. So I think my next book is going to be called “Sage-isms”.
I think that your surname is more than justifies the name of that. Krisstina, you’re one of the wisest women I’ve had the privilege for being able to share a podcast with. So thank you for what you’re doing and the gifts that you’re giving to so many people that are listening. It so beautiful and it’s a pleasure to be a part of it at some level.
Well, thank you so much. It’s such an honor to talk to you. Thank you for your time. I know you move mountains to be here with us today. So thanks again and I look forward to our next conversation. I think this is just the beginning.
Absolutely. No, absolutely. And as I say, if can contribute anything else to anyone who’s listening, I’ve got a lot of stuff out there on the web. I try to put as much of my philosophy out there, to help people as possible, and put some links in and I’m sure we can make something happen for the people here as well to be able to help in anything else.
Great. So any final thoughts? I think you have a business course coming up?
Yes. I also teach a three day — at Sage Business School where we’re really reinventing entrepreneurs, because most people are trying to learn skills in order to get certainty, but it’s really the person who’s applying the skill that means a lot more than the skills you learn. Siri will teach you skills these days, that’s the world we live in. But who’s applying them, if you don’t shift there, through some of the things we’ve talked about and reinvent who you are, then you’re only going to run the same patterns or earn new skills to earn the same amount of money with, because again, you’ll hit the unconscious blocks that most people don’t have a shift. So we take care of all of that and then we teach you how to build businesses, and yeah, that’s part of my passion. Yeah, we run that, I’ll say once or twice a year around the world. Next one is in London on October, I’d love to be able to offer something to your listeners if they wish, and it would be wonderful to be able meet you all or see the people in person and shake hands there.
Well, I maybe there. I need to get excuse to come over to London, this might be it. Alright, well we’ll put a link to that in the show notes. Again, thank you so much Peter.
My absolute pleasure, thank you.
I hope you love my conversation with Peter Sage as much as I did. If you’d like to learn more about Peter or about Peter’s fantastic programs, like his Sage Business School or Master’s Circle, you can find the links at WealthyWellthy.Life/podcast. Also, I highly recommend his book 5 Keys to Master your Life. I’ve included the link to his book in the show notes.
Next stop, I move back to the health side of Wealthy Wellthy. I interviewed David Whitlock and Jasmina Aganovic, the brilliant minds behind AObiome and Mother Dirt. One of my favorite products for staying clean and healthy. Their discoveries and breakthroughs are very interesting, you won’t want to miss it. Here’s to a Wealthy Wellthy Life, I’ll see you next time.