How Bacteria Can Save You Money
Let’s talk about a word that’s not often discussed at the dinner table. Bacteria. It might sound strange to propose “bacteria” as a talking point, but why wouldn’t we? Bacteria is literally everywhere. And unbeknownst to most – thanks to our cultural germophobia – we should actually want bacteria everywhere. In us. On us. Around […]
5 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Money
You know what an unhealthy relationship looks like: jealousy, cheating, dishonesty…there are plenty of warning signs. You probably think I’m talking about an unhealthy romantic relationship with a person – nope. I’m talking about the toxic relationship you have with your money. During the summer, when there are so many temptations urging you to cheat […]
Knock Out These Five Goals
You’ve written your goals for the new year and toasted to wealth, wellth and happiness. You’ve overhauled your mentality and returned to work with a newfound tenacity. 2016 is HERE. This is YOUR year. You’re ready to hunker down and make things happen…but you’re not sure where to start. This is not uncommon. Drafting New […]