The Money-Wise Guide to a Memorable Vacation
This week I am on a girl’s getaway trip to Sedona, Arizona with my business partner, Tamara, and my daughter, Macy. We are using this time to recuperate after a busy June and recharge for the months ahead (we are preparing to launch the second iteration of my Mindful Money course on August 1st!). Because […]
8 Places to Build Your Wealth That Wall Street Isn’t Talking About
In 2015, I told you that I wanted to make 2016 your best year ever. Now I’m determined to make it happen. Over the course of the next few weeks, I will be breaking down my money mapping system, my Kashflow System, with graphics and exercises to help you nail this money thing once and for […]
BYOB & Five Other Wealth Principles
Day two of the WealthyWellthy Mastermind was concerned entirely with wealth: growing it, investing it, and protecting it, purposefully. We heard from meaning-driven advisors Kelly Kidwell and Jason Giorgio, and explored new ways to move our money and invest. Here are the six major wealth takeaways from the #WWMastermind weekend: Retirement is a myth. I like to […]
5 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Money
You know what an unhealthy relationship looks like: jealousy, cheating, dishonesty…there are plenty of warning signs. You probably think I’m talking about an unhealthy romantic relationship with a person – nope. I’m talking about the toxic relationship you have with your money. During the summer, when there are so many temptations urging you to cheat […]