Dealing with Financial Distress After Divorce
Divorce has a heavy impact on the partners in a marriage. It may take time before both of them can adjust to the new life and move forward. Women bear the greatest impact of the breakup especially emotionally and financially. Financial impact of divorce on women A stable marriage can propel you in your efforts […]
Lies About Money That Are Robbing Your Life
It’s your money or your life. Because you can’t have both right? These are the money lies you’ve been told that are robbing you of your life. And maybe you feel it… the social pressure to work harder for success – at any cost. Do you feel overwhelmed? Or just plain exhausted? The pressure is […]
How to Save More Money Without Sacrificing What You Love
It’s a common conflict… you need to save money. You want to save money… but you don’t want to live on a restrictive budget that means you can’t ever do anything you love. Or have the things you want. Or travel or play or otherwise experience the life you want to live. Because of […]
3 Facts Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You
No matter how you cut it, teeth are expensive. And there’s truth to that phrase: “million-dollar smile.” Healthy, beautiful teeth truly do enable you to earn more money. But when it comes to our teeth, most of us are misinformed. Like conventional doctors, most dentists today are working under outdated scientific principles, practices, and philosophies. […]