#234 Learn So You Can Earn and Then Return w/ Dr. Bill Dorman

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My guest this week is Dr. Bill Dorfman. Dr. Bill is not just a famous cosmetic and general dentist, he is THE most famous cosmetic dentist world wide. Affectionately known as “America’s Dentist,” Dr. Bill is widely recognized world-wide as a leading dentist who is responsible for creating smiles for many of Hollywood’s brightest stars.

Dr. Bill was nothing short of fascinating. I enjoyed his wealth of knowledge, gratitude and humbleness- which is impeccable for a man as successful as he is. Truly inspiring for me and those around him! His story speaks for itself (which you’ll learn in this episode), but let me share with you some of my favorite highlights… I am choosing to keep this email short and sweet because that’s sort of what Dr. Bill is all about. To the point.

Not overdoing it, but MASTERING it. So, here are the goodies:

Dr. Bill’s Quotes:

“People don’t always know the struggles that we go through– and we all have struggles in our life. Yet, it is important to notice how you overcome it.”

There will be life-defining moments in your life. Sometimes you plan them, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes they just happen.”

“I never fail. Ever… If I try something and it doesn’t come out the way I want it to, that is not failure. It’s practice. Then you do it again and again until it’s right.”

“Practice makes perfect. No. practice makes permanent. if you keep doing the same thing wrong, you will never succeed. You have to CHANGE something! You only fail when you quit! If you want something– go get it. Stop looking at results, when in essence, you are practicing to get it right!”

Dr. Bill’s Tips:

  • Don’t wait for opportunities in life. Make them. 
  • When you get an opportunity in life, don’t take it. MASTER IT. There’s a major difference.
  • Learn so you can earn and then return.
  • You know the difference between wrong and right. Just do it right.
  • Work. Hard. Well, only if you want success 😉

Dr. Bill has easily created a billion dollar empire on his own. Want to know how? Dive on into our chat. You will be captivated. 


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